To Buy or sell liovestock you need to have a Property Identification Code (PIC Number) from PIRSA. You will also need to go through your agent.
To sell livestock it is important that you have
(1) A current NVD book (C0413) / eDec
(2) A PIC (Property Identification Code), and
(3) a LPA (Livestock Production Assurance) number.
If you are a Hobby farmer, an ATO declaration is required so that we don’t deduct withholding tax from your payment.
To register for a PIC (Property Identification Code) visit
To order an NVD book or use the online NVD / eDec service visit
To sell at the weekly market a current and financial LPA number is required. In any case to obtain the best possible sale price for your livestock, an LPA number is recommended.
Contact Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) on 1800 683 111